September 29, 2014
Dearest All All is well, all is well...First and for most, I am happy and grateful to have again made contact with Che, thanks to our wonderful members of the Parkersburg Ward, that invited and welcomed Che to women's conference and to Sacrament meeting the next day. Where she talked with us, at first she was very brief with us, but by the end of the block she had agreed to a dinner appointment in a member's home...later when we arrived at the members home, Che was no where to be found, rather we soon learned that she was in the E.R. because she had been stepped on by a horse and had broken her collar bone! Incredible story, she had to walk across 25 acres to her car, then drive from Mineral Wells to Downtown Parkersburg and admitted herself, to which she said "I was doing a lot of praying"...We went to her home after she was released from the hospital and brought her dinner and the member who came with gave her a priesthood blessing. This was the moment when i re...