
Showing posts from September, 2014

September 29, 2014

Dearest All All is well, all is well...First and for most, I am happy and grateful to have again made contact with Che, thanks to our wonderful members of the Parkersburg Ward, that invited and welcomed Che to women's conference and to Sacrament meeting the next day. Where she talked with us, at first she was very brief with us, but by the end of the block she had agreed to a dinner appointment in a member's home...later when we arrived at the members home, Che was no where to be found, rather we soon learned that she was in the E.R. because she had been stepped on by a horse and had broken her collar bone! Incredible story, she had to walk across 25 acres to her car, then drive from Mineral Wells to Downtown Parkersburg and admitted herself, to which she said "I was doing a lot of praying"...We went to her home after she was released from the hospital and brought her dinner and the member who came with gave her a priesthood blessing. This was the moment when i re...

September 22, 2014

What a wonderful spiritual week! (even though I spent the first 3 days of the week ill in bed with a 100 degree fever. I caught a nasty bug that everyone out here refers to as the "Ohio Valley Crud"....However, between, my encouraging conversation with president Salisbury at speciallized training, and a few letters I received over the week from home (thanks Mom, dad, pops and mamajo), along with an absolutely inspired ward conference, I feel closer to the savior and have really feel the  charity  and love of the savior and felt the spirit present in our teaching, particularly in my own the changing of the seasons, has me in an all around grand mood (there are so many trees out here and they are all turning orange it is beautiful, plus the air is cooler and it hasn't been humid in at least 3 weeks!)...I feel renewed and stronger, really I feel victorious.  I think I also experienced how, a parent feels and just a bit of how heavenly Father feels about...

September 15, 2014

Dearest All What a wonderful week, this is the 4th week out of 7 weeks that Elder Myers and I have reached the standard of excellence! We have been blessed with three incredibly converted progressing investigators...I was speaking with a member of our ward (Sister H), who mentioned that, it is incredible, how many investigators where at church - 6 and two LA between the three areas that this ward reaches, 3 of which were our investigators....She mentioned that in relief society they have been tailoring their lessons to investigators more, since there have been a consistent amount of progressing investigators.  This week as I really want to again testify that there are indeed people who "Do not know the truth, only because they know not where to find it"...I believe I briefly mentioned Cody in last week's letter, he is 21, young single adult, with his own apartment. we have met with Cody four times this week, 5 if you include church, We taught him The Restoration, the Plan...

September 8, 2014

Dearest all I am staying in Parkersburg Whooo :) Transfer #4, I am so excited to have another transfer here in Parkersburg, going on 6 months! I really can't believe how fast time has gone, and how much I have seen this area grow. With the changes in the zone and district, I look forward to what the lord has in store for us here.  The last week was grand in a number of ways, we have been striving to reach the standard of excellence again before last Transfer was ended and by-golly we slid in by the skin of our teeth, with just one ITL to spare, and a manna from, heaven miracle: This past Sunday, we showed up to church, excited and anticipating an entire investigator family attend, but unfortunately the mother of that family was called into work and they didn't make it...but never the less the lord answered our prayers and placed into our trust, Che! I was standing outside, greeting ward members and investigators at the doors of the meeting house, when one of ...

September 1, 2014

Member present lessons have fallen to just 3 last week with only 5 other lessons. I think a lot of which is due in part to the school year beginning, and our wonderful members have been a bit more consumed in their schedules...however since the school year began we have had a completely full dinner calendar (and are trying to get investigators to dinner with us), which I am excited about and have seen a new kind of member involvement, reaching out for inspired referrals which we discussed at our last zone conference, and without fail every time a name has almost immediately come to mind, but rather then get their contact information and "drop-in" on the referral, we then taught an interactive lesson about ITL's with five points of an ideal ITL "dinner and a show" per-say as we role play the following process, elder Myers and I are quite entertaining, if I do say so myself, and always get a few laughs mingled in among the spirit. ...