September 8, 2014

Dearest all

I am staying in Parkersburg Whooo :)

Transfer #4, I am so excited to have another transfer here in Parkersburg, going on 6 months! I really can't believe how fast time has gone, and how much I have seen this area grow. With the changes in the zone and district, I look forward to what the lord has in store for us here. 

The last week was grand in a number of ways, we have been striving to reach the standard of excellence again before last Transfer was ended and by-golly we slid in by the skin of our teeth, with just one ITL to spare, and a manna from, heaven miracle:

This past Sunday, we showed up to church, excited and anticipating an entire investigator family attend, but unfortunately the mother of that family was called into work and they didn't make it...but never the less the lord answered our prayers and placed into our trust, Che! I was standing outside, greeting ward members and investigators at the doors of the meeting house, when one of our members (sister sheets) came running out and said "I need a North-side Missionary! There is an investigator here!" I perked up, said "that's us!" and answered the call...Elder Myers followed suit and sister S took us down the hall to introduce us to Che...who to our surprise knew no-one in the ward and had never been to church in WV before, but she worked up the courage and came church all by-her-self...Sacrament meeting began shortly after, and I sat next to Che and Vicki (our other investigator who attended this week)...Che told me that she had taken the missionary discussions before some odd 16-20 years ago when she lived in Idaho, (its so strange to think that is was 1-4 years old, when she originally was investigating the church)...She said that she had recently had surgery and when she was recovering, she was having a hard time and she called her friend in Idaho, and her friend simply told her that "it is time for you to get baptized"...she prayed and then looked up in the sky and said that she saw Christ in the clouds and a prophet, and felt that it was indeed time for her be baptized...she came to Church and said to sister S "I want to be baptized" and since then, sat down with us and we set a date, for September 27th and have so far reviewed the Restoration, Word of Wisdom, and Plan of Salvation, not to mention, began her family history work ...she has flown through the lessons so far with Flying colors and her testimony is like a rocket soaring for the stars! 

In other news, we worked with elder Beeman, and our land lord to repair and update our apartment, (which has been a missionary apartment for 10 years) we repaired the drywall and prepped for the landlord to come in and paint, in addition we are expecting new carpet in the coming week...In addition to our new bicycles that were transferred to us from Vienna (which closed this transfer)...We have certainly been appreciating these blessing from the lord and have made the work here, more organized, comfortable and effective.

Also Family history has taken off with our investigators! I am so excited to learn more about how to used family history at specialized training next week, because our investigators have been highly engaged in finding their family history, not to mention it is a great interaction between investigators and members at the family history center.

Vicki, is also still awesome as always, she is to put it plainly now at this point a "Dry Mormon"...I look forward to the day, when she too, says, Okay I am ready to be baptized, but till then I will be her ever patient missionary. 

-Elder Wheeler
 West Virginia sunset, over the Ohio River...heavenly Father answers prayers, we only need to...listen, look and be prepared and willing to act, without stubbornness of heart  


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