April 6, 2015

​so I discovered that I have some sort of strange thrill in organization projects, this the shed of the H family...he mentioned how he finally wanted to tackled the shed which was full of junk from before they moved there...and I almost drooled at the opportunity. here are the before's and after photographs.


​1.5 hours later cleaned out and de-webbed, snake and rodent evicted.

​Re-stocked and organized...this project was a lot of fun and the perfect opportunity to get to know better Brother H who is a recent convert and is working on getting to the temple with his wife.

​Beautiful Conference Saturday at the L's farm...we love them so much. Conference was spectacular...both Saturday sessions I was so full of the spirit and full of peace.  And Heavenly Father answered a number of my questions for both my self and my investigators. Elder Christopherson's Talk was by far my favorite of the conference. He answered one of my personal questions in the first sentence of his talk...it was so cool! Plus it was neat to think I was able to meet him in person just two weeks prior.

The most impact-full moment from the conference for me was during the Saturday session. I am sure a few of you noticed that during the sustaining of the General Authorities.  There were a few who sought to cause a ruckus and shouted "Opposed!"...it bothered me, and was a little downhearted...I thought to my self the truth has always been opposed never the less the Standard of Truth still stands and will go forth...as the talks continued I felt the spirit increased and I felt very much as if I was right there in the Conference Center the spirit came more powerful all the way till we sang "we thank thee oh god for a prophet." and just burst and I could not help but sing and thank heavenly father for the peace he sent that even "..When dark clouds of trouble hang o'er us And threaten our peace to destroy, There is hope smiling brightly before us, And we know that deliv'rance is nigh." I doubt not the lord nor his goodness...I feel it a Pleasure to serve him and I love to obey his command. I know and testify that this is the church of Jesus Christ and that it is lead by him Christ stands at the head of his church and is lead by his authorized and true servants. I know that the comfort and peace that came. came by faith and diligence that to Me who seeked has found answered and the mysteries of God have unfolded them-selves as promised by Nephi in the Book of Mormon. It came and will continue to come in the lords time,  I am ever excited to press ever onward in the work of the lord. 

   From my own words I know this: To have a question is to say that I need to learn more. To doubt is undo what the lord has taught you to be true...never let doubt destroy what the lord has blessed you with. Seek the answers to questions with faith and diligence not doubting, but with patients and hope. The answer and full understanding will come, and when it does is better than any could have foreseen or imagined it to be. 

Jesus Christ lives and while I am full of faults, he was not and have much to learn I am so grateful the lord has trusted me with a piece of his work and I see miracles everyday the greatest miracle of all I feel inside of me as Heavenly Father teaches me. 

In the same of my savior Jesus Christ, Amen. 

I love you all so much 

​There is hope smiling brightly before us...West Virginia turned green this week. On the country road to the L's. 


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